Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Some people are born with the ability, balls, and genius to think outside the box. Unfortunately in many cases, thieves and criminals are the people blessed with those gifts.

Interestingly enough, criminals make great protagonists. Artemis Fowl written by Eoin Colfer is a fantastic series for kids about an unapologetic criminal mastermind in the body of a twelve year old... Steven Brust's Vlad Taltos series of a highly paid assassin... Even Showtime's Dexter satisfies the public's fantasy for a twisted form of justice as they watch a highly conflicted serial killer hunt down his prey.

Hot news? Wired Magazine reports that Neuromancer, the first cyber punk hit novel written by William Gibson in 1984 will be made into a film. Winning the "triple crown" in science fiction, he swept the board taking the Nebula Award, Phillip K. Dick Award and Hugo Award with his published debut.

Thankfully, William Gibson still looks to have a controlling hand in his creation and has not yet picked the director (James Cameron and Guillermo del Toro are currently in the running). This book has plenty of fans, even Pink Floyd is reported to be composing the soundtrack. Backing bands are Radiohead and My Bloody Valentine. (Wired online) Film junk.com has stated that Hayden Christensen may be in the running to play Case.