Friday, July 20, 2012

Treasure Hunting

A seventy hour work week is far from ideal, and instead of going out, or doing what normal people do.. I just want to unwind.  Unfortunately I've stumbled upon a few amazing gems, and rather than falling asleep like an sane individual, I stay glued to either the television or flipping pages into the wee hours.

Here is my newest recommendation.  LUTHER.  

Luckily it's been green lit for season 3 but what is up with the Brits only producing a handful of episodes??? Sherlock is three, Luther for season 2 broadcast four?? 

I've now turned my attention back to light-weight teen fiction.  If you loved Ender's Game, try this one out.  Insignia by S.J. Kincaid has to be the next Hunger Games/Divergent to hit bookstores.  Written with less angst (so far) with the same fast pacing, Insignia will likely be optioned by studios in the near future.