Poirot, Marple, Foyle's War. Exactly how in a North American is suppose to get their hands on these shows without waiting a year, I have no idea. I recently bought another set and was irritated to find that it was sold in the old television format... 4:3 ratio. What is that?? Bleh. Normally I'm not a snob, but it's 2010 and two black bars on each side on the tube is a travesty. All my other recent Poirot purchases have been 1.66:1 so why why why??!!! By the way the set was labelled "The New Mysteries collection" (season 9), as a warning.
I'll have to await a full set release of Season 11, which includes Cat Among the Pigeons, Third Girl, Mrs. McGinty's Dead, and Appointment with Death, since I stubbornly refuse to purchase an overpriced half set.
A good launching point?
Poirot, Marple and Foyle's war have featured a few U.K. upstarts who are slowly emerging into the Hollywood circuit. Death on the Nile's talented Emily Blunt has made fantastic headway, squeezing into the very exclusive club of Winona Ryder clones (a la Natalie Portman & Keira Knightley) that have become the "it" crowd. After the funeral's Michael Fassbender, Foyle's War (The German Woman) James McAvoy and hopefully Mystery on the Blue Train's James D'Arcy will continue to shake up the boorish Hollywood club that has a fetish for 20-30 somethings that look like children.
Link to Poirot: Cards on the Table Part 1 here