With the recent popularity of books like Angels and Demons revolving around the mythical secret societies such as the "Illuminati", it was only a matter of time that a VIP version for Facebook and Myspace to appear. For many, nothing is more savoury than receiving an invitation into a particular organization behind closed doors, and the online world is no different.
In each of the cities listed at the bottom of this page, aSmallWorld has people (connectors) that invite members to aSmallWorld. But apart from that, aBigWorld members that have 10 connections in aSmallWorld, will be transferred."
A facebook for a few... New York Times
The surge in notoriety does come with drawbacks however, and I'm highly skeptical that the new trend will ever truly compete with legendary secret societies such as the Freemasons, Skull and Bones, The Bilderberg Group, or even the oldest London gentleman's club White's.
One successful French businessman who had turned down a number of invitations summed it up correctly, if you've already heard of the group, how exclusive can it be?
(White's Gentleman's Club at 37-38 St James)
Other clubs for the privileged...
A Private Club, for the New Yorkers in the know
Dianefay.com, the Asian's golden club
decayenne.com, Europe's own
bankersavenue, another Wallstreet sequel
When you pause and think about all of this, aren't all these sites a WELCOME mat for the elite hackers and con artists of the world? Just a thought...