Starting around the youthful age of around ten, many girls greedily subscribe to the popular "seventeen" or "ym" magazines for advice on love, dating, makeup and fashion. Filling impressionable heads full of unrealistic expectations of biblical proportions guarantees a generation of unhappy individuals. Men are no better, with magazines such as GQ, Maxim, Men's Health or FHM, gaining ground in the masculine psyche.
Taking an article from Yahoo 10 Things a Good Boyfriend Won't ask You to Do provides a one sided and narrow-minded standard on the "ideal" boyfriend. Here's a small taste...
#1. His laundry.
Some women prefer to do the guy's laundry. It all depends on the couple. Isn't it similar to women asking their husbands to mow the lawn, take out the trash and fix the roof?
#4. Make him a sandwich.
If there are no long commercials during the Superbowl then it is nice if a girlfriend can do that. It's similar to dragging a boyfriend to go shopping with her. It's boring as hell, and something you do because you care about the other person.
#10 Keep our hair long
This one makes me laugh because a lot of guys shave their beards to please a girlfriend as well. Not to say women shouldn't change things up with different hairstyles. It all depends on the female.
It's all fluff of course, used to fill up daily pages for entertainment, and so long as it's considered that way no harm done.