Oy! I don't know how I missed this, but BBC released a version of Sherlock in July and August this year! What is this?? Three ninety minute dramas with fresh new faces??? Benedict Cumberbatch (Sherlock) and Martin Freeman (Watson). Will be on PBS Masterpiece soon...
Episode 1: A Study in Pink
Episode 2: The Blind Banker
Episode 3: The Great Game
Interesting... must find online links....
Sometimes I really think Norman Jewison hit the nail on the head. Film is really going to the dogs and the television format is the future. With Game of Thrones, Boardwalk, The Borgias and Terra Nova... not to mention all the great shows already airing.. it makes you wonder why we all spend $15 for an overpriced bag of popcorn and bubble gum remakes.

If you have a particularly gifted producer / creative head, a few productions manage to select exceptionally appropriate and phenomenal music. Azure Ray's music was a great find...
Strange thing when you watch television shows you don't understand?? I've managed to find quite a few bands from Asia, Sweden.. and even North America which I wouldn't necessarily have found. I may not understand one word of it, but the enjoyment of music is universal.
TV finds..
Tearliner, The Avalanches, Adele Erichsen, Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra, L'Arc en Ciel, Bluedawn, X Japan, Tokio Hotel, Mika