The sixth sense
Voyeurism has become more prevelant than ever. Noisy neighbors, celebrity news, reality tv or youtube, the public curiosity of the unknown will always be insatiable. People watching is a favored pastime when I'm waiting for a friend at a particular spot. Occasionally my gaze will focus on an unusual individual, and if I feel I'm at a safe distance, I will observe longer. Yet sometimes for whatever reason, the person becomes aware they are being watched, even if I'm standing three floors up high. Hackles raised, they will scan those around them, hunting for the source of their unease. All this is explained in a book I recently stumbled upon by Rupert Sheldrake, The Sense of Being Stared At. An interesting dissection of the human mind and what we are subconsciously capable of. From animal sensitivity, human perseption, to a dog's strange ability to sense epileptic seizures, his research questions things that have been swept under the rug by skeptics.